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Best AI Checker for ChatGPT

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Currently, the best AI checker and tool to check plagiarism on the market is While no tool is 100% accurate, is widely regarded as the most accurate check for AI content.

When we talk about an "AI checker" in the context of determining if content was generated by AI, we're talking about a tool or system designed to analyze text (or other forms of content) to decide whether it was likely produced by a human or an artificial intelligence system.


How to use AI checker

  • From the dashboard on the left hand side, select Start New Scan.

  • Put the title of the document in Scan Title (this makes it easier to refer back to if needed in My Content Scans.

  • Simply paste the text to be scanned in the blank field.

  • Select the relevant checkbox depending on what you want to scan for: Detect AI and Check Plagiarism and Readability.

This will tell you how many credits the scan will cost (more on pricing in a moment).

screenshots of the originality ai platform in action for instruction purposes

Select Scan Now


screenshots of the originality ai platform in action for instruction purposes

The document is scanned, and you get a result in the right-hand side to see the percentage of original vs AI content.

Next, you can move to the Plagiarism tab to see if the content is plagiarised.

If it is, it will tell you the exact sentences that have been copied and a link to the websites it was plagiarised from.

Finally, you can move to the Readability tab to see how readable the text is and how it readable the text is based on the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease formula.

screenshots of the originality ai platform in action

How to Understand the Scores

Plagiarism vs. AI Detection:

  • Plagiarism: Simple. If 5% of an article is from somewhere else, then 5% is copied.

  • AI Detection: Tricky. If an article scores 5% AI and 95% Human, it means there's a 95% chance a human wrote it. It doesn't mean 5% was written by AI.

Key Points to Remember:

  1. The scores tell you the chance of content being by AI or humans. So, 10% AI, 90% Human means there's a 90% likelihood a human wrote it.

  2. The score doesn't show the percentage of the content made by AI or humans. It's about probabilities.

  3. Some publishers see a high human score as a mark of original content.

  4. The tool works well, especially on popular AI models like GPT-3, but it's not perfect. Mistakes happen.

  5. Don't judge based on one article alone. Check multiple pieces for a better view.

  6. Longer articles get more accurate scores.

Remember:'s scores are about chances, not exact percentages of content.


How does work?

Alright, let's break down how works as simply as possible:

Originality.AI is like a lie detector test for written content. It checks if a piece of text was written by a person or created by a computer program (AI).

The Tool's Brain: The team used a popular AI framework named BERT, but they customized it. Imagine giving special glasses to a detective that helps them see better. These changes help the tool make better decisions.

Training Time: They fed this tool a massive amount of written material (think of it like reading a whole library). This helped the tool understand writing patterns. Then, it practiced figuring out who wrote what: a person or a computer.

Special Tricks: The team taught the tool some cool tricks to make its guessing game stronger. These tricks are just fancy methods to ensure the tool can detect AI-written content really well.

Want the Full Story?: They've written a detailed explanation on their website. It's like a behind-the-scenes look at how they built this lie detector for text: Check it out here.



As of August 2023, offer 2 pricing options: Pay-as-you-go or a monthly subscription.

Pay-as-you-go $30 each time

Monthly subscription $14.95 per month | cancel anytime | save 25%

  • 3000 Credits 1 Credit Scans 100 Words Additional Credits $0.01/credit 2 years expiry

  • AI Scan

  • Plagiarism Scan

  • Readability Scan

  • 30 Day Scan History

  • File Upload ‍docx, doc, pdf

  • Shareable Reports

  • 2000 Credits 1 Credit Scans 100 Words Additional Credits $0.01/credit 1 month expiry - renews each month

  • AI Scan

  • Plagiarism Scan

  • Readability Scan

  • Unlimited Scan History

  • File Upload ‍docx, doc, pdf

  • Shareable Reports

  • API

  • Full Site Scans

  • Scan from URL

  • Team Management

  • Tag Scans

  • Access To Future Features

Our team uses on the daily. We receive a small commission if you choose to sign up to the platform.


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