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Your Guide to Custom Instructions: ChatGPT's Secret Weapon?

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Guess what? ChatGPT just rolled out a feature that might just be your new secret weapon: Custom Instructions for your chats. Let's get straight into the nuts and bolts.

What Are Custom Instructions in ChatGPT?

In the simplest terms, Custom Instructions are a set of guidelines that you can create once and will then apply to all new chats you have with the ChatGPT model.

This is a game-changer because it means you can pre-set the model to always follow certain parameters or guidelines, ensuring consistency and saving you time.

Typically, using ChatGPT involves a series of manual steps. You write the prompt, define your requirements, review the output, and often have to iterate multiple times to get what you need.

Custom Instructions eliminate the repetition of entering the same directives over and over for each new chat. You set it up once, and the model remembers, effectively shaving valuable minutes (or hours) off your workday.

How to Access Custom Instructions in ChatGPT: A Step-By-Step Guide

Navigating your way to the Custom Instructions setting isn't a Herculean task, but let's break it down for you so that you can do it in a snap:

  1. Log in to Your Account: First thing's first. Log into your ChatGPT account.

  2. Dashboard Overview: Once you're in, you'll find yourself on the main dashboard, where all the magic happens.

  3. Find the Settings Icon: Look to the left side of your screen where you'll see a vertical navigation bar. At the bottom of this bar, close to where your account details are displayed, you'll see an icon resembling three horizontal dots or perhaps a gear symbol, depending on the current design.

  4. Click It: Go ahead and click that icon. This will open up a dropdown menu or a new panel, again, based on the current interface.

  5. Spot Custom Instructions: You'll see 'Custom Instructions'. This is the promised land!

  6. Edit and Save: Here you can enter your set of instructions that you'd like to be applied to all new chats. Once you're satisfied, don't forget to hit the 'Save' button.

You can edit these instructions at any time, but they'll only apply to new chats, not existing ones.

Woman with brown hair typing into her laptop looking happy

How Custom Instructions Can Make Your Life Easier

This isn't just a nifty feature; it's a massive time-saver. How? Let us count the ways:


Set it once, and forget it. Your tone, style, and specific needs are automatically applied to every new chat. No need to specify every time that you want a formal tone or citations in APA style.



How to Set Custom Instructions in ChatGPT?

Setting your custom instructions usually involves going into the settings or preferences panel in the ChatGPT interface and finding the "Custom Instructions" field.

Screenshot of ChatGPT Custom Instructions screen in action

Here are some guidelines to consider:

Tone and Style: If your brand has a unique tone of voice, spell it out here. Example: "Always use a conversational, witty tone."

Formatting: Need your outputs in bullet points, numbered lists, or detailed paragraphs? Say it once, and you're done. Example: "Present information in bullet-point lists whenever possible."

Citations: If you need academic-level content, specify the citation style. Example: "Include citations and list them in APA style."

Call-to-Actions: Marketing without CTAs is like fishing without a hook. If you want them, specify that. Example: "Always include a call-to-action at the end of articles and blog posts."

Keep in mind that while these custom instructions apply to new chats, they won't retroactively change your older conversations.

Also, these instructions are used to improve the model's performance and may be shared with any plugins you've enabled.

Custom Instructions (Full Video Guide)

We found this super instructional video ChatGPT Update: Custom Instructions in ChatGPT! from AI Foundations that is totally worth a look if you want to dive deeper into how Custom Instructions works before playing around with it yourself.

How to Use Custom Instructions for Different Chats in ChatGPT

The newly rolled-out Custom Instructions feature is incredibly useful for maintaining a consistent style or format, but what if you wear different hats and need different styles for different projects?

Maybe you're juggling various marketing campaigns, or perhaps you're a content marketer by day and a freelance writer by night.

Whatever the case, let's talk about how to handle the need for different custom instructions in separate chats.

Option 1: Reset Before You Chat

The Custom Instructions apply to new chats you create after you set them.

One straightforward approach is to go into settings and adjust the Custom Instructions before initiating a new chat that requires different guidelines.

This method is more manual but allows for maximum flexibility. Just remember, these changes won't affect the existing chats.

💡Option 2: Use Detailed Initial Prompts for Specific Chats

Even with a general set of Custom Instructions, you can still specify different instructions within the chat prompt for that particular interaction.

These will override the generic instructions for that particular chat, allowing you to tailor the output as needed.


Let's say your default Custom Instructions are set to a professional tone and APA citations. However, for a specific chat, you need a playful tone and no citations. Your initial prompt for that chat could be:

"Write a blog post about summer fashion trends in a playful and casual tone. No need for citations."

💡 Option 3: Multiple Accounts for Multiple Needs

If you find yourself consistently needing to switch between vastly different styles or formats, and you don't want to manually change the settings each time, you might consider having separate ChatGPT accounts for different projects or roles.

Each account can have its own set of Custom Instructions.

💡 Option 4: Use a Template or Script

Another workaround could be creating a script or template where you paste the ChatGPT output.

This template can include dynamic fields for parts of the text you know you'll have to change, depending on the project.

While this doesn't alter the Custom Instructions, it does save you time on post-editing.


If you know you'll always need to insert a specific call-to-action for a particular client, your template could have a placeholder for that, and the rest could be filled in by ChatGPT, adhering to the Custom Instructions you've set.

💡Option 5: Get Clear on the Goal for Each Chat

Sometimes, specificity is key. If you know the exact purpose and audience for each chat, you may not need to alter your Custom Instructions frequently.

Being as specific as possible within each prompt can sometimes yield the variety you need without requiring a change in global settings.

Can You Delete Custom Instructions?

Yes, you can delete Custom Instructions.

To do this, you'll need to navigate to the 'Custom Instructions' section in the settings or preferences panel of your ChatGPT dashboard.

Once there, you can either edit or delete your existing instructions.

After making the changes, make sure to hit the 'Save' button to apply them.

Remember, deleting or modifying your Custom Instructions will only affect new chats that you start afterward; it won't change the guidelines for existing chats.

While the Custom Instructions feature is a powerful addition for consistency, it's flexible enough to be adapted to different needs.

By combining a smart approach to initial prompts, templates, and settings adjustments, you can tailor ChatGPT to a wide variety of projects.

It's all about knowing your needs and setting up your toolkit accordingly. Happy chatting!

📈 Keep learning from other ChatGPT creators: How To Write AMAZING E-Books With Chat GPT| AI In A Minute


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