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How to Prompt ChatGPT-4 to Create an Instagram Carousel from Existing Content

ChatGPT is your secret weapon for repurposing content!

As a content creator, you know how important it is to make the most out of every piece of content you create.

Repurposing content is a great way to reach a wider audience and increase engagement. And when it comes to repurposing content, ChatGPT is your secret weapon.

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like text based on a given prompt. With ChatGPT, you can quickly and easily turn your long-form content into engaging Instagram carousels that will captivate your audience and drive traffic to your website.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT to create Instagram carousels from your blog posts or other long-form content.

Step 1: Choose Your Content

The first step is to choose the long-form content you want to repurpose into an Instagram carousel. This could be a blog post, an article, a whitepaper, or any other type of content that you think would work well on Instagram.

For this tutorial, we'll use the InteriorZine article "50 Small Studio Apartment Design Ideas (2023) – Modern, Tiny & Clever" as our source content.

Step 2: Generate Key Points with ChatGPT

The next step is to generate key points from your source content using ChatGPT. This will help you identify the most important ideas and concepts that you want to feature in your Instagram carousel.

To do this, you'll need to prompt ChatGPT with the following:

"I will supply a URL of a blog post. I want you to select 5 key points/concepts from the blog post and turn them into an engaging Instagram Carousel. Do you understand?"

Then, simply paste the URL of your source content and let ChatGPT work its magic.

In a matter of seconds, ChatGPT will generate a list of key points that you can use to create your Instagram carousel.

Result of the prompt input

Below is the actual output from ChatGPT4 from the prompt we used in the example:


I've selected 5 ideas from the blog post that can be turned into an Instagram carousel of 5 slides. Below is the text for each slide:

Slide 1: Title: "Maximize Your Space"

Caption: "Use multifunctional furniture to make the most of your small apartment. Choose pieces that can be easily transformed, like a bed that turns into a sofa or a coffee table with storage space. 🛋️🔁🛏️ #SmallApartmentIdeas #MultifunctionalFurniture"

Slide 2: Title: "Incorporate Vertical Storage"

Caption: "Think vertically! Utilize your wall space for storage with shelves, hooks, and hanging organizers. Save floor space while adding style to your apartment. 🏢📚🧺 #VerticalStorage #SmallSpaceLiving"

Slide 3: Title: "Embrace the Light"

Caption: "Maximize natural light to make your apartment feel more spacious. Use light-colored curtains, mirrors, and minimal window coverings to brighten up your space. ☀️🌟💡 #LetThereBeLight #SmallApartment"

Slide 4: Title: "Create Zones"

Caption: "Define different areas in your apartment with creative room dividers. Use furniture, curtains, or even plants to separate your living, sleeping, and working spaces. 🌿🖼️🚪 #Zoning #SmallSpaceDesign"

Slide 5: Title: "Bold Accent Wall"

Caption: "Make a statement with a bold accent wall. Choose a vibrant color or a unique wallpaper to create a focal point and add depth to your space. 🎨🌈🏠 #AccentWall #SmallApartmentDecor"

These slides will showcase various ideas for decorating a small apartment and can be visually represented with images or illustrations to engage your Instagram audience.


Step 3: Create Your Instagram Carousel

Now that you have your key points, it's time to create your Instagram carousel. You can use a tool like Canva or Adobe Spark to design your carousel slides.

Make sure to use eye-catching visuals and engaging captions to grab your audience's attention.

Here are some tips for creating an effective Instagram carousel:

  • Use high-quality images that are visually appealing and relevant to your key points.

  • Keep your captions short and to the point, using clear and concise language.

  • Use emojis and hashtags to make your captions more engaging.

  • Use a consistent color scheme or theme throughout your carousel to give it a cohesive look.

Step 4: Publish and Promote Your Instagram Carousel

Once you've created your Instagram carousel, it's time to publish and promote it. Make sure to use relevant hashtags and tag any relevant accounts to increase visibility. You can also promote your carousel on other social media platforms or in your email newsletter.

By using ChatGPT to generate key points from your source content, you can quickly and easily create engaging Instagram carousels that will help you reach a wider audience and increase engagement. So why not give it a try?


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