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How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Lead Magnet and Follow-Up Email That Drives Sales

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

Want to create a lead magnet and email campaign that captivates your audience and drives engagement? Look no further than ChatGPT, the AI-powered language model that can help you generate unique and compelling content in minutes.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT to create a lead magnet and to craft a follow up email campaign that resonates with your target audience and generates sales.

Plus, we'll share bonus tips for getting creative and compelling responses from ChatGPT. Are you ready to unlock the power of AI in your digital marketing strategy? Let's get started!

Our Example

In this blog post, we'll use the example of a personal trainer named Steve, who wants to create a free lead magnet on how to improve mobility. Steve also offers an in-depth paid course on improving mobility, and the goal is to use the lead magnet to convert interested prospects into paying customers for his course.

How to create a lead magnet with ChatGPT

Step 1: Generate Ideas for the Lead Magnet

Generating ideas for your lead magnet is the first step in creating an effective one.

Using ChatGPT, you can input the topic you want to focus on such as "easy movements to improve mobility," and ChatGPT will generate a list of ideas that you can use as the basis for your lead magnet.

To get unique and clever responses from ChatGPT, try inputting prompts that are specific and imaginative.

You can ask ChatGPT to suggest unconventional ways to improve mobility or unexpected benefits of improving mobility. This will help you generate creative ideas that stand out and resonate with your target audience.

You can also ask the AI for different types of lead magnets that resonate with different sectors of your target market. For example:

💡Input prompts that are specific to different segments of your target audience.

For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that appeals to busy parents with young children?" or "What would be a lead magnet that resonates with seniors who are looking to improve their mobility?"

💡Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for different types of lead magnets, such as ebooks, cheat sheets, or video tutorials.

By inputting prompts such as "What are some lead magnets that could be created in the form of a video tutorial?" or "What would be a lead magnet that could be designed as a quiz or assessment?", you can get creative and diverse ideas for different types of lead magnets that will appeal to different segments of your target audience.

💡Refine your ideas and make them more targeted and relevant to different sectors of your target market.

You could input a prompt such as "What are some ways to tailor a lead magnet on mobility to appeal to athletes or fitness enthusiasts?" or "What would be a lead magnet that speaks directly to people who suffer from chronic pain?"

Step 2: Create the Lead Magnet

Once you have generated ideas for your lead magnet, it's time to create it. Using ChatGPT, you can input prompts to help you refine your ideas and create specific sections or topics to include in your lead magnet.

For example, if you're creating an ebook on easy movements to improve mobility, you can input prompts such as:

"What are some unique sections to include in an ebook on easy movements to improve mobility?"

ChatGPT might suggest sections such as "How to Incorporate Mobility Exercises into Your Daily Routine" or "The Benefits of Mobility for Mental Health."

To get even more creative and compelling responses from ChatGPT, try inputting prompts that are outside the box.

For instance, you can ask ChatGPT to suggest surprising ways to make mobility exercises fun and engaging or non-traditional forms of movement that can improve mobility.

This will help you create a lead magnet that stands out from the crowd and captivates your target audience.

Step 3: Create an Email Campaign

After creating your lead magnet, it's time to create an email campaign to promote it.

Using ChatGPT, you can input prompts to help you generate ideas and write the copy for your email campaign.

For instance, you can input prompts such as:

"What are some creative subject lines for an email campaign promoting easy movements to improve mobility?"

ChatGPT might suggest subject lines such as "Unlock Your Mobility Potential with These Simple Movements" or "Get Moving: Boost Your Mobility and Reduce Pain."

To get unique and clever responses from ChatGPT, try inputting prompts that use wordplay, humor, or pop culture references.

For example, you can ask ChatGPT to suggest punny subject lines for an email campaign promoting easy movements to improve mobility or a Game of Thrones-themed email campaign promoting easy movements to improve mobility.

Step 4: Write a Follow-Up Email

After someone downloads your lead magnet, it's essential to follow up with them to keep the conversation going and promote your paid product.

By using ChatGPT to write your follow-up email, you can save time and effort while still creating a message that is tailored to your target audience and promotes your paid product effectively.

Using ChatGPT, you can input prompts to help you generate ideas and write the copy for your follow-up email.

For example, you can input prompts such as:

"What are some persuasive ways to promote an online mobility course in a follow-up email?"

ChatGPT might suggest ideas such as highlighting the benefits of the course, including testimonials from satisfied customers, or offering a limited-time discount.

To get even more creative and compelling responses from ChatGPT, try inputting prompts that are specific and tailored to your target audience.

For instance, you can ask ChatGPT to suggest personalized ways to appeal to different segments of your audience, such as athletes, seniors, or people with chronic pain.

🚀Bonus ChatGPT Prompts for Creating an Attention-Grabbing Lead Magnet

There are many ways to prompt ChatGPT to generate unique and imaginative ideas for the type of lead magnet to create. Here are a few out-of-the-box prompts that you can use:

💡 Suggest a lead magnet that;

  • Is inspired by a favorite book or movie. For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that could be created in the style of Harry Potter?"

  • Is based on a popular game or activity. For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that could be created based on a game of charades?"

  • Incorporates unusual or unexpected elements. For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that includes interactive quizzes or puzzles?"

  • Is tailored to a specific audience or niche. For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that is designed for people who work from home?"

  • Incorporates humor or wit. For instance, you could input a prompt such as "What would be a lead magnet that includes funny memes or jokes?"

Remember to get creative with your prompts, and don't be afraid to try out-of-the-box ideas. With ChatGPT, the possibilities are endless!


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