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How to Create 40 Social Media Post Designs in 2mins Using ChatGPT and Canva AI | 7figureboss Academy

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Sick of spending hours creating social media posts for your business?

This tutorial from The 7figureboss Academy shows it is possible to create bulk social posts with ChatGPT and Canva AI.

In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to use the best writing prompts for AI to create multiple Instagram posts at once.

By using prompts for AI content creation, you can streamline your social media content creation process and save time to focus on more important aspects of your business.

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30 social media content ideas when you don't know what to post

You've mastered the art of creating designs at lightning speed, but what about those days when you're sitting in front of a blank screen and have no clue what to post? Don't worry, we've got you covered with 30 social media content ideas that will get your creative juices flowing!

10 Social media post ideas for e-commerce brands

Highlight Product Features: Share posts that showcase the unique features of your products. For example, if you sell clothing, share posts that highlight the quality of your materials, the fit of your clothes, or any special design features.

User-Generated Content: Share posts that showcase your customers using your products. This can be anything from photos of them wearing your clothes to videos of them using your kitchen gadgets.

How-to Videos: Create videos that show your customers how to use your products in creative ways. For example, if you sell makeup, create a video tutorial on how to create a dramatic eye look using your products.

Behind-the-Scenes: Share posts that give your customers a sneak peek into your business. This could be anything from a video of your team working on new product designs to photos of your warehouse or office.

Customer Reviews: Share posts that highlight positive reviews from your customers. This can help build trust with potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

Holiday-Themed Posts: Create posts that align with upcoming holidays or events. For example, if it's close to Valentine's Day, create posts that showcase your products as gifts for your loved ones.

Industry News: Share posts that provide updates or news about your industry. This shows that you're knowledgeable and engaged in your industry, which can build credibility with your audience.

Special Deals and Promotions: Share posts that promote special deals or promotions that you're running. This can encourage your followers to make a purchase and help drive traffic to your website.

Polls and Surveys: Create posts that ask your followers for their opinions on various topics. This can help you better understand your audience and provide them with content that is more relevant to their interests.

Collaborations: Partner with other businesses or influencers in your industry and create posts that showcase your collaboration. This can help you reach new audiences and build your brand's credibility.

10 Social media post ideas for consultants and freelancers

Show your expertise: Share valuable insights related to your field or industry. This could be a tip, a how-to, or a best practice that you've learned along the way.

Share testimonials: Share positive feedback from previous clients. Testimonials are a great way to build trust with potential clients.

Behind-the-scenes: Share a behind-the-scenes look at your work process or workspace. This gives potential clients an idea of how you work and what your style is like.

Offer a promotion: Create a limited-time offer or promotion to incentivize potential clients to book your services. This could be a discount or a free add-on.

Share your story: Share your personal story of how you got into freelancing and why you love it. This helps potential clients connect with you on a personal level.

Q&A session: Host a Q&A session on social media where potential clients can ask you questions about your services or industry. This is a great way to engage with your audience and build trust.

Share your portfolio: Showcase your work by sharing your portfolio on social media. This is a great way to show potential clients what you're capable of.

Highlight your unique selling point: Share what makes you different from other freelancers in your field. This could be your experience, your process, or your communication style.

Share your hobbies: Share your hobbies or interests outside of work. This helps potential clients get to know you better and can help you build a personal connection with them.

Collaborate with other freelancers: Partner with other freelancers in your field to create content or host an event together. This is a great way to expand your reach and connect with new potential clients.

10 social media post ideas for affiliate marketing

Product review: Share your honest review of a product you're promoting as an affiliate. Include the benefits of the product, how it can help solve a problem, and why you personally recommend it.

Comparison post: Compare the product you're promoting with a similar product in the market, highlighting the unique selling points of the product you're promoting.

Showcase benefits: Highlight the key benefits of the product you're promoting in a creative way, such as through a list, infographic, or short video.

Testimonial post: Share a testimonial from a satisfied customer who has used the product you're promoting. This helps build trust with your audience.

Limited-time offer: Create a limited-time offer for the product you're promoting as an affiliate. This could be a discount code or a special bonus for those who purchase within a certain time frame.

How-to post: Create a how-to post that demonstrates how to use the product you're promoting. This helps potential customers understand the product better and can increase their likelihood of purchasing it.

Storytelling post: Share a personal story about how the product you're promoting has helped you or someone you know. This helps create an emotional connection with your audience.

User-generated content: Share user-generated content from customers who have used the product you're promoting. This helps show the product in action and builds social proof.

Influencer collaboration: Collaborate with an influencer who has a similar audience and promote the product together. This can help increase the reach of your promotion.

Industry news: Share relevant industry news or updates related to the product you're promoting. This helps position you as an expert in your niche and can increase your credibility.


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