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The ONE ChatGPT Prompt to Rule Them All 👑| Jason West

The power of Chat GPT is in the prompts.

Using Chat GPT is all about the prompts; the better the prompt, the better the output Chat GPT can give you.

But have you ever wondered how to make your prompts absolutely brilliant to get outstanding output from Chat GPT?

In this video tutorial, marketing guru Jason Wests steps you through how prompts can be generated by Chat GPT itself, by asking the right questions, which is perfect for producing good results.

▶️ Watch the tutorial: The ONE ChatGPT Prompt to Rule Them All

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46 open-ended questions to create killer prompt templates

You can use Chat GPT to create prompt templates that will consistently produce on-target messaging for your brand - saving you SO MUCH TIME.

And the key to doing this?

Asking the right open-ended questions. So, to help you out, we've compiled a list of 46 questions that will get your creative juices flowing and enable you to create killer prompt templates that Chat GPT can work its magic on.

Let's get started!

46 open-ended questions a brand could use to get better ChatGPT prompt templates:

  1. What are the most common questions or concerns our customers have?

  2. How can we address our customers' pain points with our products or services?

  3. What motivates our customers to purchase from us?

  4. How can we differentiate ourselves from our competitors?

  5. What are the biggest challenges our customers face in their daily lives?

  6. What solutions can we offer to our customers' challenges?

  7. How can we create a sense of urgency around our products or services?

  8. What are the most common misconceptions about our brand?

  9. How can we educate our customers about our products or services?

  10. What kind of emotions do we want to evoke in our customers?

  11. What kind of lifestyle or personality traits do our customers have?

  12. How can we appeal to our customers' values?

  13. What kind of stories or anecdotes can we use to connect with our customers?

  14. How can we make our customers feel more confident in their purchase decisions?

  15. What kind of language or tone resonates with our customers?

  16. How can we make our products or services more accessible to our customers?

  17. What kind of benefits do our products or services provide to our customers?

  18. How can we highlight the features of our products or services in a compelling way?

  19. What kind of imagery or visual cues can we use to enhance our messaging?

  20. How can we make our messaging more memorable and shareable?

  21. What kind of calls to action are most effective for our customers?

  22. How can we create a sense of exclusivity or scarcity around our products or services?

  23. What kind of incentives or rewards can we offer to our customers?

  24. How can we tailor our messaging to different segments of our customer base?

  25. What kind of partnerships or collaborations can we pursue to enhance our brand image?

  26. How can we use storytelling to connect with our customers on a deeper level?

  27. What kind of social proof can we provide to build trust with our customers?

  28. How can we create a sense of excitement or anticipation around our upcoming products or services?

  29. What kind of humor or entertainment value can we incorporate into our messaging?

  30. How can we leverage current events or trends to stay relevant and top of mind for our customers?

  31. What kind of educational or informative content can we offer our customers?

  32. How can we foster a sense of community or belonging among our customers?

  33. What kind of feedback or input can we solicit from our customers to improve our products or services?

  34. How can we use data or statistics to support our messaging?

  35. What kind of social or environmental impact do our products or services have?

  36. How can we highlight our brand's values and mission in our messaging?

  37. What kind of educational resources or tools can we provide our customers to enhance their experience?

  38. How can we make our messaging more interactive or engaging for our customers?

  39. What kind of user-generated content can we feature to showcase our brand's authenticity?

  40. How can we address common objections or concerns our customers may have about our products or services?

  41. What kind of industry insights or thought leadership can we share with our customers?

  42. How can we use personalization to enhance our messaging and customer experience?

  43. What kind of emotional or aspirational messaging can we incorporate into our branding?

  44. How can we use social media or other digital channels to amplify our messaging?

  45. What kind of partnerships or sponsorships can we pursue to enhance our brand image?

  46. How can we use storytelling to showcase the benefits of our products or services?

Creating a basic prompt template with ChatGPT

Here are the steps on how to tell ChatGPT to create a prompt template:

Open the ChatGPT platform: Firstly, you need to access the ChatGPT platform where you can create a prompt template.

Provide the initial prompt: This can be a topic or a question that will guide ChatGPT in generating the content.

Here are a few examples of how to create different types of prompts using ChatGPT:

  1. Product description: "Describe our new product, X, in a way that highlights its unique features and benefits."

  2. Social media post: "Create a social media post that will engage our followers and promote our brand. Focus on the theme of 'innovation'."

  3. Blog post: "Write a blog post about the future of our industry. Discuss emerging trends and provide insights for our audience."

  4. Email newsletter: "Craft an email newsletter that will inform and engage our subscribers. Focus on a recent company milestone or achievement."

  5. Ad copy: "Write ad copy that will capture our target audience's attention and generate interest in our product/service. Use a strong call to action."

Remember, the key is to provide ChatGPT with a clear and specific prompt that aligns with your brand's messaging and goals.

Choose the length of the content: You also need to specify the desired length of the content you want ChatGPT to generate. This can range from a few sentences to several paragraphs, depending on your needs.

Review and edit the output: Once ChatGPT has generated the content, you should review and edit it to ensure that it meets your requirements. You can make any necessary changes and then save the final output.

Remember: Creating effective prompt templates is an iterative process. You need to test your templates, see how Chat GPT responds, and refine them based on the results. Don't be afraid to experiment with different prompts and see what works best. Over time, you'll develop a set of prompt templates that consistently produce high-quality content that aligns with your brand's voice, tone, and goals.


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